Chapter Outline for Sub Project Plan (SPP)
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Dairy profile of the state and operational area of the EIA
1.3 Overview of the EIA
Chapter 2: Rationale for the proposed activity
2.1 Rationale for the activity
Chapter 3: Sub Project Design
3.1 Sub Project Objective
3.2 Justification of the Sub Project Objective
3.3 Sub Project Implementation Design
3.4 Sub Project Area
3.5 Sub Project Outlay
3.6 Synergy between relevant central/state scheme and the sub project
3.7 Risk identification and mitigation matrix for the sub project
Chapter 4: Sub Project Implementation Arrangement
4.1 Implementation arrangement
4.2 Sub Project Management Committee(as applicable for the activity
4.3 Sub Project Manangement Cell
Chapter 5: Sub Project MIS, Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Management Information System (MIS)
5.3 Monitoring and Evaluation
5.4 Implementation of MIS and Learning activity
5.5 Learning and Knowledge Management
5.6 Structure of ICT based MIS for Sub Project Implementation
5.7 Key Performance Indicators
Chapter 6: Rollout Plan
6.1 General
6.2 Identification of activities and awareness generation (as applicable to the activity)
6.3 Identification/recruitment of Manpower
6.4 Manpower Capacity Building
6.5 Purchase of Goods (ICT and Non-ICT)
6.6 ICT Arrangements
6.7 Initiation of Sub Project activity
Chapter 7: Sub Project Governance and Accountability Action Plan
7.1 Existing goverenance structure
7.2 Governance and Accountability Action Plan
7.3 Design Principles
7.4 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan
7.5 Information Disclosure
7.6 Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM)
Chapter 8: Human Resource Management
8.1 Manpower status at EIA
8.2 Compensation structure of the EIA
8.3 Annual Performance Appraisals
8.4 Grievance handling on HR related issues
8.5 Key activities of Human Resource Management
8.6 Personnel and Administration (P&A) Team Structure
8.7 Existing Training and Development Practices
8.8 Training Facilities or the EIA
8.9 Specific Human Resource needs for the sub project
8.10 Manpower allocation by the EIA
8.11 Progress records and reporting mechanism
8.12 Initial Support for Compensation of manpower deployed under sub project
8.13 Measures to ensure Training Effectiveness
Chapter 9: Sub Project Financial Management (FM)
9.1 Present Financial management practices and performance
9.2 Sub Project FM arrangements including funds flow
9.3 Fund flow from PMU to the EIA
9.4 Flow of fund from the EIA (as applicable)
9.5 Accounting and internal controls
9.6 Internal controls arrangements for the management of the sub project by the EIA
9.7 Audit arrangements at the EIA
9.8 Reporting and Monitoring
9.9 Staffing for FM functions in the EIA
9.10 Role of FM team in the EIA
9.11 Capacity building for FM function
Chapter 10: Procurement of Goods, Works and Services
10.1 Present Procurement (purchase) of the EIA
10.2 Procurement (purchase) Policy
10.3 Capacity Building
10.4 Proposed Procurement (purchase) arrangement
10.5 Delegation of power for Procurement (purchase)
10.6 Procurement Plan
Chapter 11: Sub Project Strategic Environment and Social Assessment
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Impect significance criteria for environmental and social components
11.3 Environmental and Social Management Framework
11.4 Consultation and disclosure
Chapter 12: Means of financing and sustainability
12.1 Means of financing
12.2 Sustainability for the purposed activity
12.3 Overall benefits
12.4 Economic benefits
12.5 Social benefits
12.6 Local environmental benefits
Area Specific Chapter Outline of Sub Project Plan (SPP) for following activities: