Indian Immunologicals Ltd
Company Profile
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) established Indian Immunologicals Ltd. (IIL) in 1982 with the objective of making Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine available to farmers at an affordable price. The technology for FMD vaccine manufacture was obtained from M/s. Wellcome Foundation, UK. The plant in Hyderabad today has a capacity to make 360 million trivalent doses of FMD vaccine, making it the largest producer of this vaccine in the world.
IIL is the largest veterinary biological company in India with a range of vaccines for cattle, sheep and canine segments. Combined with its presence in the formulations segment, IIL holds the third position in the Indian animal health market. IIL is also a major player in the human vaccine market in India focusing on the pediatric vaccine and rabies vaccine segments. IIL holds the third position in this market.
IIL established Human Biologicals Institute (HBI) in 1999 to manufacture modern Tissue Culture Anti Rabies Vaccine (TCARV) for human use at Ooty, Tamilnadu. Based on the capacity created by IIL, the Government was able to phase out usage of NTV from Government hospitals. IIL is now the largest producer and supplier of the human rabies vaccine with a capacity of nearly 10 mio. doses per annum.
In 2003, HBI established facilities in Hyderabad for producing vaccines for the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) such as DPT, TT, DT, Hepatitis–B and Measles vaccines. The facility was inaugurated by the former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. IIL is on the verge of obtaining manufacturing license of other human vaccines such as the combination DPT and Hib (quadrivalent) vaccine, the combination DPT, Hib and Hepatitis B (Pentavalent) vaccine and the Hepatitis-A vaccine.
The Research and Development team at IIL has been working on new generation technologies to develop new vaccines such as an oral Human Papilloma virus vaccine, Recombinant Dengue Vaccine, Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine, Typhoid vaccine, Hepatitis-A vaccine and Monoclonal antibodies against a number of diseases.
IIL has now built a new animal health formulation facility outside Hyderabad in Biotech Park – Phase II at Karkapatla. This is the largest such Formulations plant for the animal health market in India. This site also houses new manufacturing facility for human rabies vaccine.
IIL operates an animal nutrition and feed plant in Rajkot, Gujarat, which manufactures standard and specialized cattle feed, feed for laboratory animals and a range of animal nutrition products. These products are targeted at improving productivity of livestock in India through better nutrition.
In FY 2014-15, IIL posted sales revenues of 4830 mio. IIL employs about 1200 people.
IIL pursues not only the mandate of NDDB to provide products and services to enhance the quality of livestock in the country, but also uses its technological capabilities for the benefit of the people of India. IIL strongly believes that its mission of "biotechnology in healthcare made affordable and accessible" can be actively pursued only with sound technology base in modern biotechnology.
Our Mission
Biotechnology in healthcare made affordable and accessible.
Our Values
- We believe that a technology driven, value based, competitive organization can alone succeed in the global market.
- We believe in providing affordable products with high quality, through continuous technical innovations and improvements to satisfy our customers.
- We believe in teamwork, networking, continuous learning and development in our organization.
- We value competence, merit and excellence in our people.
- We value honesty, integrity and fairness in all our dealings.
- We value mutual trust, transparency, openness and professionalism in our dealings.
IIL posted a sales turnover of INR 3120 mio ( US $ 57 mio) for the fiscal year ended March 2012.
Animal Health

IIL manufactures and markets a wide range of animal health vaccines and formulations. Illfeatures among the top three producers of FMD vaccine in the world and caters to more than 80% of FMD vaccine for the control programme in India. Following the successful introduction of FMD vaccine - "Raksha", Illlaunched the tissue culture rabies vaccine "Raksharab" in 1989. This was the first tissue culture vaccine in the animal health market. Subsequently, Illdeveloped several bovine, ovine and canine vaccines through its own R & D efforts and introduced these to the Indian and international markets. These were Rakshavac T (Theileriosis vaccine), Megavac-6 (Multi-component Canine vaccine); Sheep vaccines viz., Enterotoxaemia, Sheep pox and PPR; as well as bovine vaccines against HS and BQ.
IIL is the first and only manufacturer of a combined vaccine against FMD, HS and BQ (Raksha-Triovac), in the world. Illis also the first company to introduce Brucellosis vaccine - "Bruvax" in the Indian market; Bruvax-Pius with S19 strain and Bruvax Delta with RB51 strain are leaders in their respective segments.
IIL also markets a wide range of veterinary formulations and veterinary nutraceuticals developed after extensive research on nutritional requirements of the livestock sector.
IIL's innovative formulation "Nimovet" is a brand leader in the NSAID Segment. Other animal health care products viz., lvectin, Vetfen, Xylaxin, B.ovicef, Garbhamin, lnimox, Bovoplex, Tikkil are the leading brands in their respective segments.
IIL is the first company to introduce "Area Specific Mineral Mixture" in the Indian market, with almost 14 variants for 14 different states. Other unique products such as Calsagar Granules (Oral Calcium supplement for Cattle); 4P (Nutritional supplement for pre and post parturition); Goudhara Shakti (Bypass Fat) are well accepted in the Indian market.
Human Health

IIL entered the human vaccine market in 1999. Human Biologicals Institute (HBI), a division of Ilslet up a manufacturing facility in Ooty in 1998 to produce the country's first indigenous purified vero cell rabies vaccine (PVRV). This is being marketed under the brand name "Abhayrab". Introduction of Abhayrab helped the country phase out use of the older unsafe sheep brain vaccine.
HBI created a franchisee network of doctors (Abhay Clinic) and dealers (Abhay Shoppe). These have not only helped in creating a strong retail presence for HBI, but also became successfulmodels for delivering affordable healthcare through microfranchising in a developing country such as India.
The success of Abhayrab emboldened HBI to embark on building a new vaccine facility in Hyderabad in the year 2006 to manufacture other human vaccines such as OPT Vaccine - AbhayTAG, Tetanus Vaccine - AbhayTOX & Recombinant Hepatitis B - Elovac B.
HBI today is a major player in the human vaccine·market in India, focusing on the pediatric and rabies vaccine segments. HBI is also the largest supplier of pediatric vaccines to India's large universalimmunization programme.
HBI's new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility at Karkapatla in Medak district will augment the capacity of Abhayrab. In the next phase, Illwill produce combination vaccines for children in this facility.
International Business

Over the last decade, IIL has emerged as a leading exporter of its veterinary products and human vaccines to more than 50 countries in Middle East, Asia
Pacific, Africa, South America and CIS.
Pacific, Africa, South America and CIS.
IIL's human Rabies vaccine, Abhayrab, is a market leader in Asia. It is also a well reputed brand in many other regions by virtue of its superior quality.
For Foot and Mouth disease, IIL has capabilities to address specific vaccine needs of the importing countries with respect to epidemiologically relevant strains and technical support.
The new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Hyderabad is designed to comply with the requirements of regulated markets.
Cattle Feed
IIL's presence in the cattle feed business is a logical extension of the animal health products and services offered to the dairy farmers. IIL currently produces high quality cattle feed and specialized feed such as calf feed, feed for pregnant animals and bulls, buffalo feed and bypass protein feed in its plant at Rajkot. This plant also produces feed supplements for dairy cattle such as mineral mixtures, calcium feed granules, dewormer feed pellets, bypass fat, yeast culture & other vitamin premixes.
In order to reach out to farmers with high quality balanced cattle feed and feed supplements, IIL launched unique franchisee retail outlets "Rajdan Kendra" in Saurashtra & Kutch regions of Gujarat.
IIL's research efforts are directed at developing frontier technologies in biological, diagnostics and vaccines. Neglected tropical diseases, which are of little interest to the western countries but very relevant to a country like India, are the major focus of the research. Il's research team comprises scientists with interdisciplinary areas of expertise who work on developing various vaccines using platform technologies such as recombinant strains for multiple antigen production, hybridoma for monoclonal antibodies, protein polysaccharide conjugations and. virus like particles through molecular biology.
IIL has research collaborations with severalreputed national and international institutes such as Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), USA; National Institute of Health (NIH), USA; Institute of Animal Health, UK; Harvard Medical School, USA; Centre for Disease Control (CDC), Taiwan; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Switzerland; US Army Medical Research Institute of infectious Diseases, USA; GAlVmed, UK; Indian Veterinary Research Institute, etc.
Reaching the needy
IIL's journey has crossed many milestones from a single vaccine manufacturer to a large biological manufacturer exploiting biotechnology for the benefit of the people in the developing world.
The true spirit of IIL's mission "Biotechnology in healthcare made afforpable and accessible" will be fully accomplished only when vaccines reach those who direly need them. IIL assumed the responsibility for becoming a vaccination services provider in addition to being a vaccine producer.
In summary, IIL's mission of "biotechnology in healthcare made affordable and accessible" encompasses sound strategies both in the laboratory and the market place and is built around committed partnerships that work in a synergistic manner.
Product List
Biologicals for Bovines/Ovlnes
BRUVAX DELTA: Brucellaabortus (Strain RB 51) vaccine (Live)
BRUVAX PLUS: Brucellaabortus (Strain 19) vaccine (Live)- modified dose
BRUVAX Rev 1:Brucellamelitensis strain Rev 1; BP
BRUVAX PLUS: Brucellaabortus (Strain 19) vaccine (Live)- modified dose
BRUVAX Rev 1:Brucellamelitensis strain Rev 1; BP
BRUVAX: Brucellaabortus (Strain 19) vaccine (Live):
POSIFMD: FMD oil adjuvant vaccine;BP
RAKSHA BIOVAC: Combined oil adjuvant vaccine for FMD & HS
RAKSHA OVAC: FMD oil adjuvant vaccine (Bivalent); BP/{Monovalent); BP/{Trvi alent); BP/IP
RAKSHA PPR:Peste Des PetitsRuminants vaccine;
RAKSHA TRIOVAC: Combined oil ad juvant vaccine for FMD, HS & BQ
RAKSHA BIOVAC: Combined oil adjuvant vaccine for FMD & HS
RAKSHA OVAC: FMD oil adjuvant vaccine (Bivalent); BP/{Monovalent); BP/{Trvi alent); BP/IP
RAKSHA PPR:Peste Des PetitsRuminants vaccine;
RAKSHA TRIOVAC: Combined oil ad juvant vaccine for FMD, HS & BQ
RAKSHA: FMD vaccine gel adjuvant vaccine (Bivalent);BP/{Monovalent); BP/{Trivalent); BP/IP
RAKSHA-BQ: Adjuvanted vaccine of Clostridui m chauvoei; IP
RAKSHA-ET: Clostridium perfringens Type D vaccine
RAKSHA-BQ: Adjuvanted vaccine of Clostridui m chauvoei; IP
RAKSHA-ET: Clostridium perfringens Type D vaccine
RAKSHA-HS: Adjuvanted vaccine of Pasteurellamultocida;IP
RAKSHA-HS+BO: Combined vaccine for HS & BQ;
RAKSHA-SP: Sheep Pox vaccine (Live);IP
RAKSHA-SP: Sheep Pox vaccine (Live);IP
RAKSHAVAC-T: Theileriosis vaccine; IP
Biologicals for Canines
MEGAVAC-6: Hepatitis,Distemper, Leptospirosis &Parvo vaccine;BP/IP
MEGAVAC-7: Canine Para influenza,Hepatitis,Distemper, Adeno, Leptospirosis, Parvo vaccine; BP
MEGAVAC-CC: Canine Corona virus vaccine inactivated; IP
MEGAVAC-P: Canine Parvovirus vaccine inactivated; BP/IP
MEGAVAC-CC: Canine Corona virus vaccine inactivated; IP
MEGAVAC-P: Canine Parvovirus vaccine inactivated; BP/IP
RABISURE: Rabies veterinary vaccine inactivated (cell culture); BP
RAKSHARAB: Rabies veterinary vaccine inactivated (cell culture); BP/IP
STARVAC-R: Rabies veterinary vaccine inactivated (Cell Culture); IP
Animal Health Products
4P: Specific Feed Supplement for transition period in Dairy animals
ACTIPET: Multivitamin and Aminoacdi s supplementation
ACTIPET: Multivitamin and Aminoacdi s supplementation
BEXAN XP: Vitamin B Complex injection with liver extract
BOVICEF: Ceftiofur sodium sterile powder for injection
BOVOPLEX CC INJ: Vit. B. complex injection with Liver Extract & Choline Chloride
BOVOPLEX ORAL: Health tonic for animals
BOVOPLEX CC INJ: Vit. B. complex injection with Liver Extract & Choline Chloride
BOVOPLEX ORAL: Health tonic for animals
CALGONATE: Calcium borogluconate injection
CALSAGAR PET: Meat Flavored Calcium tonic
CALSAGAR PWS: AnimalFeed granules
CLORVECTIN: lvermectin and Clorsulon injection
CLORVECTIN: lvermectin and Clorsulon injection
CLOSITEL: Closantel oralsolution 15% w/v
FLUKINEX:Oxyclozanide suspension 3.4% W/V
FOLYSON: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin injection
GARBHAMNI : Coated vitamins and chelated mineral bolus.
GOUDHARA SHAKTI: Bypass Fat with yeast culture and herbal additives for higher fat and more milk
GOUDHARA:Bypass fat for fat rich milk
GOUMIX BHR: Area specific mineral mixture formulation for Bihar
GOUMIX COBALT:Mineral mixture enriched with cobalt
GOUMIX COPHOS: Mineral mixture enriched with copper and phosphorus
GOUMIX COPPER: Mineral mixture enriched with copper
GOUMIX HR: Area specific mineral mixture formulation for Haryana
GOUMIX KAR: Area specific mineral mixture formulation for Karnataka
GARBHAMNI : Coated vitamins and chelated mineral bolus.
GOUDHARA SHAKTI: Bypass Fat with yeast culture and herbal additives for higher fat and more milk
GOUDHARA:Bypass fat for fat rich milk
GOUMIX BHR: Area specific mineral mixture formulation for Bihar
GOUMIX COBALT:Mineral mixture enriched with cobalt
GOUMIX COPHOS: Mineral mixture enriched with copper and phosphorus
GOUMIX COPPER: Mineral mixture enriched with copper
GOUMIX HR: Area specific mineral mixture formulation for Haryana
GOUMIX KAR: Area specific mineral mixture formulation for Karnataka
GOUMIX MP: Area specific mineral mixture formulation for Madhya Pradesh
GOUMIX PB:Area specific mineral mixture formulation for Paschim Bangia
GOUMIX PHOS: Mineralmixture enriched with phosphorus
GOUMIX TNW: Area specific mineralmixture formulation for West Tamil Nadu
GOUMIX UP: Area specific mineralmixture formulation for Uttar Pradesh
GOUMIX TNW: Area specific mineralmixture formulation for West Tamil Nadu
GOUMIX UP: Area specific mineralmixture formulation for Uttar Pradesh
GOUMIX WUP:Area specific mineral mixture formulation for West Uttar Pradesh
GOUMIX ZINC: Mineral mixture enriched with zinc
GOUSAC: Rumen Specific Yeast culture
GYROFLOX INJ:Enrofloxacin injection.
GOUSAC: Rumen Specific Yeast culture
GYROFLOX INJ:Enrofloxacin injection.
GYROFLOX ORAL: Enrofloxacin oralsuspension
GYROFLOX TAB: Enrofloxacin dispersible tablets
INIMOX FORTE INJ: Amoxicillni sodium and sulbactum sodium for injection.
INIMOX-D: Amoxicillin &Dicloxacillin injection.
INIMOX FORTE INJ: Amoxicillni sodium and sulbactum sodium for injection.
INIMOX-D: Amoxicillin &Dicloxacillin injection.
IVECTIN BOLUS:lvermectin 80 mg bolus
IVECTIN INJ: lvermectin injection
IVECTIN ORAL:lvermeclin oral suspension
IVECTIN TABS: lvermectin 10 mg tablet
MASTECT: Mastitis detection strips
MIPHOCAL: Calcium borogluconate with magnesium injection
NIMOVET- DS:Nimesulide bolus 1000 mg
NIMOVET GEL: Nimesulide gel
NIMOVET INJ: Nimesulide injection 10% w/v
PESUREA: Metronidazole + Urea + Nitrofurazone bolus
PRAZITAL FORTE: Praziquantel, PyranteiPamoate and Fenbendazole tablets.
IVECTIN ORAL:lvermeclin oral suspension
IVECTIN TABS: lvermectin 10 mg tablet
MASTECT: Mastitis detection strips
MIPHOCAL: Calcium borogluconate with magnesium injection
NIMOVET- DS:Nimesulide bolus 1000 mg
NIMOVET GEL: Nimesulide gel
NIMOVET INJ: Nimesulide injection 10% w/v
PESUREA: Metronidazole + Urea + Nitrofurazone bolus
PRAZITAL FORTE: Praziquantel, PyranteiPamoate and Fenbendazole tablets.
PRAZITAL PLUS: Praziquante,l PyranteiPamoate and Fenbendazole tablets.
PROZAL: Dmi inazeneDiaceturate
SAAF KIT: Iodine based teat spray.
SEFTRIVET:Celtriaxone Sodium injection
SULFAMIN INJ: Sulphadimidine Sodium injection
TIKKIL LIQUID:Cypermethrin-High Cisemulsifiable concentrate
TIKKIL POWER:Flumethrin 1% pour-on solution
TIKKIL SHAMPOO: Medicated pet shampoo with conditioner
TIKKIL WDP: Cypermethrin 10 % high ciswettable dispersible powder.
VETALBEN Bolus: Albendazole 300 I 600 mg
SAAF KIT: Iodine based teat spray.
SEFTRIVET:Celtriaxone Sodium injection
SULFAMIN INJ: Sulphadimidine Sodium injection
TIKKIL LIQUID:Cypermethrin-High Cisemulsifiable concentrate
TIKKIL POWER:Flumethrin 1% pour-on solution
TIKKIL SHAMPOO: Medicated pet shampoo with conditioner
TIKKIL WDP: Cypermethrin 10 % high ciswettable dispersible powder.
VETALBEN Bolus: Albendazole 300 I 600 mg
VETALBEN Forte: Albendazole 2500 mg
VETALBEN:Albendazole suspension
VETALBEN-R: Albendazole and Rafoxanide suspension
VETALEXIN:Cephalexin oralsuspension I.P.
VETALBEN-R: Albendazole and Rafoxanide suspension
VETALEXIN:Cephalexin oralsuspension I.P.
VETFEN T: Fenbendazole 150 mg tablets
VETFEN-600: Fenbendazole feed pellets.
VETFEN-B:Fenbendazole 1.5 gm bolus
XYLAXIN INJ:Xylazine Hydrochloride
XYLAXIN INJ:Xylazine Hydrochloride
Human Health Biologicals
ABHAY-DAG: Dual antigen vaccine (Diphtheria & Tetanus)
ABHAYRAB: Purified Vera cell line Rabies vaccine (PVRV)
ABHAYRIG:Equine Rabies Immunogol bulin (ERIG)
ABHAY-TAG: Triple antigen vaccine (Diphtheria, Pertussis & Tetanus)
ABHAY-TOX: Tetanus Toxoid vaccine
ELOVAC-B:Recombni ant Hepatitsi -B vaccine
ABHAY-TAG: Triple antigen vaccine (Diphtheria, Pertussis & Tetanus)
ABHAY-TOX: Tetanus Toxoid vaccine
ELOVAC-B:Recombni ant Hepatitsi -B vaccine
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